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Architectural Rendering Techniques Your Mother Didn't Tell You About 2: Podcast

Used to be I did about 7 hours of public radio a day. Then something happened. (No, I didn't "get too bummed out." I mean, yes, I did, but that wasn't why I left.) I discovered blogs and realized it was a lot more useful to get my news curated by intelligent people (so long as the blogs were from moderates from both sides) than to wade through the NYT or WSJ every day (or feel guilty I wasn't).

But clicking back and forth between blogs in my browser got a little tiresome, too, so I went to Google Reader. (You aren't using Google Reader? Really? OMG, are you gonna love the time you save w/ Google Reader:-0.)

Anyway, Google Reader is great, but you gotta read it, and as any practictioner of architectural rendering techniques and waterolor techniques knows, you can't be reading stuff AND getting stuff done at the same time. The answer?

Podcasts. Which ones? Well, you gotta choose your own, but if you're like me and you have the following genes: artist, tech and wantrepreneur, then you're going to love these:

  1. Leo Laporte's This Week In Google
  2. Leo Laporte's This Week In Tech
  3. Leo Laporte's Mac Break Weekly
  4. Jason Calicanis' This Week In Start Ups (I'm gonna start you with Gary Vaynerchuck Interview)

Just start there and if you don't enjoy, let me know and I'll come up with some new ones. But trust me, you are gonna love these quirky people and learn a ton. Just go here and start downloading for free.

And after that? Audiobooks on audible.com

  1. Free: The Future Of A Radical Price, by Chris Anderson
  2. The Long Tail, by Chris Anderson
  3. Social Betwork Business Plan, by David Silver

Listen to those and then we'll talk.