Everyone knows that house portraits in watercolor, pen and ink or pencil make striking and memorable gifts. Think of the people you know who have either commissioned or received house portraits. Chances are they hold pride of place in their picture galleries, and they've probably been inspired to print them on holiday cards and stationery as well.
House Portrait of Guest House, Easthampton, NY (w/ Clark Smith)

What is less well known is that house portraits in watercolor, pen and ink or pencil have measurable value when it comes to selling your home. They capture your home in its best light, grabbing attention over the repetitive photographs that fill the storefront window at the realtor's office, or blur together in the the real estate section of the paper.

The modest cost of a high quality house portrait--or its cousins: the architectural rendering of an apartment, or the interactive 3-d model of a NYC loft built in Sketchup--is a drop in the bucket compared to the value of that portrait in differentiating your listing from the competition, connecting with the emotions of prospective buyers, and closing your expensive deal months ahead of schedule.

But what really makes the house portrait in watercolor, pen and ink or pencil the realtor's secret weapon is that moment after the closing, when you present two perfect prints (on museum quality paper, or maybe even stationery) to a happy seller and an appreciative buyer, leaving them with a memorable gift, and creating two happy referrals for life. Doesn't your most beautiful listing (or favorite client) deserve the same?
James Akers is a registered architect who uses his professional and organizational talents to create memorable and inspired house portraits, architectural renderings of apartments, interactive 3-d models of NYC lofts built in Sketchup, and architectural renderings in all media, including watercolor, pen and ink, pencil, photoshop and computer. His house portraits and architectural renderings have been conveying the emotion and spirit of the world's most important buildings for almost twenty years, helping their owners and investors attract the love, admiration and value they deserve. Doesn't your listing deserve the same? Call 413-250-8800 for more information and surprisingly pleasant pricing.